Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Putting the Work in

As a teacher of bible study curriculum you need to make sure that you are putting the necessary work in for your teaching to be powerful and effective.  You want to make sure that you are putting the work in it takes for your group to grow and for the members in your group to experience life change.  You also want to put the work in to ensure that the members of your group are taking that life change and sharing it with the world around them so that others can experience life change too.  Even if this is a volunteer position for you it does not mean you can play this role half way.  That is not Christlike.  You need to go all out and above and beyond the call of duty in order to fill this role in a manner that honors God.  This means studying as much as needed. This means taking time for prayer.  This means getting out and serving with your group and building relationships with them.  This means doing whatever it takes to see God's work done. Do not be a teacher who just shows up and teaches.  Be one who plays whatever role is needed for the members of your group to experience life change and become life changers. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Band For Your Buck

Most bible study curriculum lessons usually have a single focus that each lesson is geared to sommunicate. This is good because there is only so much that we can communicate in the time that we have and there is only so much that the members of our small group can learn in a given week.  But sometimes there are little lessons and extra truths that can and need to be shared in a lesson. Sometimes these will become obvious as you study the lessons.  Sometimes they will come up naturally through conversations in the lesson.  Either way I encourage you to take the opportunity to teach those little extra lessons and truths so that you and the members of your small group get more bang for your buck out of the the lesson.  Plus you will have the opportunity to meet the needs of more people that come and visit your small group. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Sunday or Monday Focused?

Most of us teach our bible study curriculum on Sunday mornings. There is nothing wrong with that.  My question though is where does that teaching bring the focus of the members of your group to.  It is it to Sunday or Monday? Many churches and small groups teach and minister in such a way to make sure that people think their lives are all about being at church and attending and nothing else.  So everything they do and say is about coming to church and bringing others to church.  There are good important things in that but our lives happen everyday of the week.  Therefore truly effective teaching should help people focus on how they can live on Monday morning and beyond.  We have to step out and realize that life is not just about coming to church but instead about being the church in our community each and everyday.  We need to begin to live this out and then make sure that our teaching follows along accordingly.  Then we will be able to see great transformation in our lives, the lives of those we teach, and in our community.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Fighting the lull

As teachers of bible study curriculum we have ups and downs just like everyone else. Those downs can especially come this time of year.  I am a firm beliver that seasonal effective disorder is a real thing.  Ths is the phenomenon where peoples are moods are effected based on the seasons. This is most often talked about in the winter time when people deal with depression like symptoms because of the cold and lack of sunlight.   I believe that this also happens in the summer although quite differently.  In the summer there is the tendency to want to relax and slow down. There is no room for this in the Christian life though. We must fight through this tendency. Instead we mus pray harder and look for more ways to serve. We must look for accountabillity that will push us to do what we are called to do.  I have set this many times recently but it is because I believe it is important. Summer is an opportunity for great things to happen because every day we are given is a gift from God. Let's make sure we don't way these days. Do what you must do to fight the lull and live out what you have been called to. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Thinking Ahead

When you are teaching bible study curriculum you need to think ahead. Yes we need to live in the moment and enjoy life but we always need to be trying to be visionary and thinking about where God might be leading us and the members of your group.  If you merely think about the present you may miss out on the needs of your group.  Then when you finally become aware of them it may be too late.  There is a delicate balance of course.  Again, if you are always thinking ahead as a leader people will eventually get annoyed and exhausted and you might seem distant and disconnected.  If you think too much in the present though your ministry might seem irrelevant.  So keep a balance but be a visionary leader and think ahead. This way you can truly lead your small group where God wants you to be.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Bridging the Generation Gap

Usually our classes that study bible study curriculum are divided into age groups.  This makes sense as we usually share common interests and have common needs with people our age.  But we also miss out on a lot of things when we follow this pattern of age segragation.  We miss out on the wisdom of those who have lived years of life, served faithfully, and gone through the same things we have.  We miss out on the youthful exhuberance and free willing passion.  We miss out on the balance that comes from those who are in the middle of their life and are trying to juggle all their responsibilities. And all these things bring a unique perspective to how we see the bible.  Granted some things are not up to interpretation, but depending on our life stage parts of scripture speak to us in different ways and we are able to speak truth out of that.  So I encourage you to work to bridge the generation gap.  Have times where you all study scripture together, regardless of age, and share the wisdom and insight that you have.  You will be amazed at how it strengthens your church community and your study of the scriptures. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Reading A Commentary

As a teacher of bible study curriculum have you ever read a commentary?  I do not mean read excerpts of a commentary.  Most of us have done that. I mean reading one from cover to cover.  I have just recently done this for the first time and it was a wonderful experience.  It really gave me some great insight into God's word and was a wonderful time of growth.  Now, granted there are some commentaries where this would truly be a beating.  But there are others that make it a little easier.  There are commentaries by many writers such as John Phillps and Warren Wiersbe that write commentaries that are very reader friendly while still giving you all the biblical background that you desire.  They also usually include the full text of each verse instead of just the reference which is an added bonus.  I encourage you to choose a book of the bible and read through one of these.  I think you will find it to be a wonderful experience and another step towards you becoming a better student of the word of God.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Fight The Urge

In teaching bible study curriculum and in life in general the tendency is to slow down and relax this time of year.  You must fight that urge though.  You need to push yourself to work just as hard, study just as deeply, and pray just as hard as you do the rest of the year.  You need to look for ways to minister, new and better ways, to reach out to the community around you.  This will take some discipline as our cultural norms have trained us to act this way.  But we can overcome this.  And by overcoming this you can help others lives be changed to.  We can help them see that their lives need to be different too and that there are new and unique ministry opportunities this time of year.  Let this be a time of renewal and revival in your church instead of a time of vacation and slowing down.  Push through the urges that are in your nature and allow God to work through you to live as He has called us to.  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Finding the Right Commentaries

As a teacher of bible study curriculum you really need some commentaries in your personal library.  These will expand and deepen your study of God's word.  But finding the right ones can feel like an intricate and difficult process.  There are a couple of things you can do though.  One of these is to start with a commentary that has the entire old and new testament in one or two volumes.  This will give you a great starting point and will be more affordable.  Then as you are ready to expand your library you can purchase other books of the bible as needed.  The other thing you want to consider then is the quality of the commentary.  Yes there are bad commentaries out there with flawed theology.  You can avoid falling into the trap of buying one of these though by doing a little homework.  Do some background research on the author, read reviews, and ask people you trust what their opinions are.  These steps will get you on the right track to buying the right commentaries and building your personal library.  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- In Their Shoes

When preparing to teach bible study curriculum you need to take the time to put yourself in the shoes of others.  This can mean a couple of things.  First of all you need to put yourself in the shoes of those you are studying.  Think about the cultural and historical context.  Think about what it would have been for the people to hear or share the truths that are in the passage.  Think about what it was like if this was the first time these things were ever shared.  Think through what it was like to live in their world and the scripture you are studying would have meant for them.  Next, you need to put yourself in the shoes of those you are going to teach.  What are their interests? What are they going through each day? What are they dealing with? In light of that, what will this scripture passage mean to them? What do they need to hear? These questions and putting yourself in the place of others as you study will make you a better teacher and a better student of the word.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Late Start

As a teacher of bible study curriculum I like to get off to an early start in the morning.  This leaves plenty of time to excercise, pray, and study God's word.  But today I got off to a late start.  That inevitable moment came where I have no recollection of my alarm going off.  So when I woke up I was faced with a choice.  Sleep even later or force myself out of bed to still get a few things done. I chose the latter and I am glad I did.  The circumstances were not perfect or how I had hoped they would be but I knew I still had a job to do. The Christian life is the same way some times.  We have an ideal picture for how things should look or how we want things to go. But this does not always work out. Even when this is the case though we still have to persevere and remember that we have a job to do.  Remember this lesson and share it with those around you. Wow, it is amazing the things you can learn just by sleeping too late.  I hope not to make a habit out of this though.  The sleeping late that is.  Have a blessed day.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- No Vacation

As a teacher of bible study curriculum you have probably seen the same phenomenon I have.  Many people around this time of year start thinking about summer vacation.  This is not bad altogether but the problem is that they also tend to take a summer vacation from church too.  We must realize there is no vacation in the Christian life. We always have some ways that we could be growing and something that we should be doing.  You need to live this idea out and model it for your group.  You need to begin speaking this idea clearly to each and everyone one of the members of your group.  You need to see this season as not a time of vacation but a time of growth. Instead of slowing down look for ways to grow.  Look for ways that you can fellowship, dig deeper into God's word, and find ways to do outreach in this summer season.  Let this be a season of growth and change for you instead of a season where you just sitting back and wait for the next one. 

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Studying Through A Book

As a teacher of bible study curriculum I of course try to study the bible as much as possible.  There are a lot of different plans for doing this. There are many plans that help you read through the bible in a year.  A lot of people also will read five psalms a day, a proverb a day, or just a random chapter in the bible every day.  I have done many of these reading plans but I find all of them put me in a rush. I like to complete things and get to the end and in studying the bible I am often the same way.  Because of this I have failed to really digest thing in the past. This is why I have been trying something new, or new for me at least.  I am reading through one book of the bible.  Everyday I read the whole book or 5-10 chapters of it depending on how long it is.  Then I also read commentaries on it.  Until I have read the book several times, read a few commentaries, and digested the truths I do not move on.  It may take me longer to get through the whole bible but I find this option allows me to really digest the truth that is in God's word and take it to heart.  

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Discipline

Being a teacher of bible study curriculum takes discipline.  That can play out in a lot of different ways.  Some of you have a lot of free time and you need to discipline yourself to use it wisely.  Some of you are busy with kids and a demanding job and you have to work hard to block out time to study.  All of us need to discipline ourselves though.  We need to be intentional about turning off the technology, getting away, and studying.  We need to not sleep the day away and instead get up and extend our day so that we have more time to study God's word and pray.  We need to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves so that we can be prepared to minister to others. We need to let God show us where we need more discipline in our lives so that we can be fully developed followers of Him.  In short, discipline is a part of the Christian life.  We need to have discipline and then model that discipline for those in our small group so that they can develop the same discipline.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Teach Them To Fish

As teachers of bible study curriculum we probably have all heard the old saying about feeding someone fish vs. teaching someone how to fish.  In fact we have probably used it in an illustration or two.  But how often have you applied it to your teaching practices.  I think for far too long many of us have enjoyed the fact that people "need" us to  teach them the bible. Because of this we may not have done as good a job as we needed to in teaching them how to study the bible for themselves.  I encourage you to teach them how to fish.  Show them how to unpack a passage.  Show them the supplementary aids you use like commentaries and other reference materials.  Show them where they can find these things online for free.  There are enough resources out there that there is no excuse for anyone for not being a student of the word.  Provide them with what they need so they can fish for themselves and teach others to do the same.  

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Fellowship

Most of us who teach bible study curriculum are good at two things, teaching and studying.  But if you are like me you struggle in another area, fellowship.  This may seem like a waste of time or not part of your job but neither is true.  Fellowship is what builds community in your group.  Then through this community your group begins to open up and share which makes your teaching and discussion more powerful and effective.  Also, as community is built your group begins to grow.  Therefore fellowship must be a vital part of your small group if you want it to grow.  This may mean that you have to get out of your comfort zone a little but that is okay.  It won't hurt too much.  You just need to take the time to plan an event here or there or a moment in your lesson where people can fellowship.  You could also delegate this responsibility but make sure you are still a participant.  Either way you go just ensure that fellowship becomes a part of what your small group does and is about. 

Bible Study Curriculum- Acts

I was sitting around thinking about bible study curriculum this morning as I dug through the book of Acts. I am beginning to outline a study on this book. In the book of Acts is so much power and inspiration as we see how the early church spread and grow.  We see how they lived in community with one another.  We also get to see how much that they sacrificed for the sake of following Christ.  Unfortunately this is one of the more neglected books in the bible when it comes to teaching and studying.  Maybe I just go to the wrong church but I never hear much mention of it. I wonder why.  I mean the mere fact that thousands were gettting saved a day should be enough to make people want to study it and read it regularly.  I encourage you to dig into this book and consider teaching some on it in the near future.  

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Be discerning

When teaching bible study curriculum it is key that you show discernment in all situations.  Whether it is following the leading of the Holy Spirit in what you say or should no say or just being sensitive to the emotions those around you may be feeling, you as a teacher must have the utmost level of discernment at all times. Sometimes people will be hurting and you need to ensure they are comforted. Other times people will be hanging onto sin and you need to speak truth into their lives so that they can come to repentance.  I know that some of us are gifted in this area spiritually.  But just because we are not gifted in this area does not mean that we are excused from practicing this.  It may just mean we have to work harder at it than others. But if we pray without ceasing and keep our eyes focused on God I believe He will honor our efforts, give you the discernment you need, and allow you to effectively minister to the small group you are in charge of.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Inspirational stories

As a teacher of bible study curriculum I find it powerful to read inspirational stories about the lives of other followers of Christ.  But even before I began teaching I found this practice to be important in valuable to my life.  Reading is an important discipline for a follower of Christ but we should not just read anything. We should read things that inspire us to live more fully committed to God and that help teach us and grow.  We need to model this as teachers and hold those in our small group accountable to do the same. For example, I just finished reading the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  It is a powerful story of one man's commitment to following God in this face of intense evil and persecution. I learned so many powerful lessons that I look forward to living out and communicating to my small group.  So let me ask you, what are you reading? Are you reading anything? I know we are all busy but you need to block time and have the discipline to make this a discipline in your life.  You will benefit from it and those aroung you will benefit from it.  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Transformation

The longer I teach bible study curriculum, study scripture and do ministry the more I become a firm believer that God is in the business of transformation.  He desires to come in and drastically change our lives.  Look at the disciples.  They went from scared individuals to passionate preachers of the Gospel.  Look at the early church.  They became a tight knit community and caring individuals like the world has never seen.  And look at your own life. Who were you before you came to Christ? I know I was a lazy, selfish, hateful individual.  Now I am passionate and accomplishing things I never though possible. We need to remember this principal and make it very clear to those in our small group that God is in the business of transformation. We need to firmly belive that God can change the lives of everyone in our group and speak that truth with boldness and confidence. Then we need to make sure that we put the necessary work in to see that this happens. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bible Study Curriculum- Restoration

The people you are teaching bible study curriculum to are in need of restoration.  There are probably many people in your group whose lives are broken in many different ways. How do I know this? One is just playing the odds. In my experience there has always been a broken life in every group I have taught.  You could also look at statistics to see the sin and effects of sin in our world and assume that someone in your group's life is broken. Or, and this is what you should do, you can look at scripture.  You can see that we are all guilty of sin and sin destroys our lives.  But we also see that in scripture is the story of restoration.  It is God's story of redeeming sin and everything sin has touched.  That is the story of hope people in your group need to hear. Whether they are struggling with addictions, broken relationships, or whatever they need to hear that God is God who loves them and wants to offer them hope and restoration.  Look for opportunities to do that today.