Before you begin to teach adult bible study curriculum from week to week you need to make sure that your own house is clean first. The bible talks about someone being able to handle their own family before they can even begin to think about leading others. Because of this we need to make sure, that as much as in our hands, we are doing things right at home. Now we could discuss exactly who is family and all of those things but I find them to be fruitless arguments. I firmly believe that you in your spirit know what you need to be doing to make things right with your family and the other relationships in your life. I also believe that all of this starts with you cleaning house on the inside of yourself. Hopefully I didn't try to be too poetic there. What I mean is that making sure that your heart is right, that your sin is confessed, and that all anger and bitterness is removed from you. If you strive to make things right with God, then the other relationships will either fall into place or at least you can be at peace with what you have done, and then you can teach adult bible study curriculum to your small group with power and integrity.
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