When it comes to Adult Bible Study Curriculum we have all run in to this issue at one point or another. The dreaded time crunch. There is so much information to cover and so little time to do it in. Most bible study classes only last for one hour and there is usually way more than an hours worth of info packed in to a lesson. What can you do? I think there ar e a few very important steps. One of course would be to not worry about time. You never know what God has in store so trust his leading and let the lesson go where it takes you. Besides, regardless of how much you watch the time there will never feel like there is enough. Piggy backing on that, just look for the teachable moments. Instead of going in with a preconceived idea about what the learning experience will be during that lesson in the Adult Bible Study Curriculum, just let people ask questions and discuss and go where it takes you. This can be risky but at the same time very surprising in a positive way. Finally come prepared. Nothing can help you out with the time crunch like being well organized and knowing what you can skip or leave out if need be.
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